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综合英语(一)试题 课程代码:00794
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I. 语法和词汇填空。阅读下面的句子,从 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中选出一个能填入空 白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡(纸)上按要求填涂。(本大题共20小题,每小题1分, 共20分)
1.Scotland is more than half as England in area.
A.big B.bigger C.as big D.so big
2.Her suggestion that everybody money to the poor was highly appreciated.
A.will donate B.donate C.donates D.would donate
3.I tossed and turned all night.It the coffee that kept me awake.
A.must have been B.must be
C.would have been D.would be
4.As often happens in science,the search for the answers to one kind of question leads to answers to questions.
A.other B.others C.another D.the other
5.They were greatly impressed the ways buildings were designed in that city.
A.of B.in C.on D.by
6.Britain is attractive partly because life at a comfortable,steady pace even within
a competitive society.
A.is living B.is lived C.has lived D.lives
7.Exercise and diet are key high blood pressure and heart disease.
A.avoiding B.avoid C.to avoiding D.to avoid
8.Only after being reminded four times that he was driving the wrong way.
A.he realized B.did he realize
C.he had realized D.had he realized
9.The boy asked the teacher what he could do his grades.
A.improve B.improving C.improved D.to improve
10.The air crash clearly resulted the pilot's carelessness.
A.on B.in C.for D.from
11.If all the different nationalities behaved exactly alike,the world a dull place
A.were B.is C.would be D.will be
12.Everybody asked her how the day had been she got home.
A.as soon as B.as long as C.so far as D.so that
13.The man immediately recognized the owner of the hotel he was staying.
A.which B.where C.whom D.what
14.Jogging is the most form of exercise in Britain.
A.superior B.popular C.favourite D.distinct
15.There was a sharp between Tom and Mary over what needed to be done next.
A.disagreement B.disappointment C.disapproval D.displeasure
16.They are enjoying a variety of such as cycling and swimming.
A.operations B.behaviours C,movements D.activities
17.The same disease may express itself differently who has it.
A.accounting for B.allowing for
C.depending on D.referring to
18.It was for this reason she refused to take the job.
A.what B.that C.how D.which
19.The delay of the flight many passengers to spend the night at the airport.
A.expected B.recommended C.obliged D.informed
20.I didn't to take a taxi,but I had to as I was hurrying to catch the train.
A.suppose B.assume C.allow D.mean
II. 阅读理解。认真阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容从A 、B 、C和 D 四个选项中选出 一个最佳选项,并在答题卡(纸)上按要求填涂。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分, 共20分)
Passage 1
Bill Maxwell was a big man.He cut and split his own firewood,and he had the shoulders and arms to prove it.He always wore dress pants and a white shirt and tie to school,and that helped make him look less rugged and a little less imposing(威严的).But it was fair to say that Mr.Maxwell had never had a discipline problem in any of his classes.
At forty-five years old,his thick brown hair was starting to turn gray,but apart from that, he looked like a man ten years younger.He wasn't handsome,but he had a pleasant face,open and honest,with clear blue eyes and a strong jawline.
He had grown up in northern New Hampshire and had majored in environmental studies at the state university.Then at the end of his junior year he took part in an Earth Day event at a grade school.That's when Bill Maxwell discovered that he loved to teach almost as much as he loved the outdoors.He shifted his major to education,and one month after graduation he landed a job in Whitson as a fifth-grade science teacher.
Bill and his college sweetheart had planned to get married,but after she graduated she took a job as an accountant for a big paper company.The mariage never happened.Young Bill Maxwell could not understand how anyone could work for an industry that did such bad things to the environment.
During the next three years of his teaching Mr.Maxwell lived in a boardinghouse in the nearby town of Atlinboro.During the summers he painted houses,and he saved every penny. Then he bought a piece of wooded land about fifty miles north of Whitson and built himself a log house.He fixed solar panels on the roof,and built a small generator system that made electricity from the stream that flew across his property.Before his first winter set in,he figured out how to make a device that would reduce the pollution in the smoke from his
Mr.Maxwell's younger sister didn't like the idea of his living all alone out in the woods. She worked for the New Hampshire Humane Society,so over the years she had made sure that her big brother always had at least one dog to share his home with.
Mr.Maxwell's mother had more specific ideas.She wanted him to get married and have some children.But whenever she told him that,Mr.Maxwell would smile and say,“Mom, remember?I've got children—about a hundred and fifty of them every year!"His mother
knew he meant his students.
21.What was Bill Maxwell like according to the first two paragraphs?
A.Strong and confident. B.Young and handsome.
C.Gentle and unpleasant. D.Tough and aggressive.
22.Why did Bill Maxwell and his girlfriend break up?
A.They lived in different places.
B.They worked in different fields.
C.They failed to get along well with each other.
D.They had different attitudes towards the environment.
23.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase "set in"in Paragraph 5?
A.Delayed. B.Ended. C.Lasted. D.Began
24.What kind of life did Bill Maxwell live?
A.A busy and social life. B.A hard and dull life.
C.A simple and economical life. D.A lonely and leisured life.
25.How can we best describe Bill Maxwell?
A.Professionally ambitious. B.Environmentally conscious.
C.Emotionally stressful. D.Academically successful.
Passage 2
Ask a stranger a question.Go on.Ask people things such as:"So,when did this bus get so busy?”“Have you always worn a hat?”They might answer by saying things such as, “None of your business,"but probably they won't.Instead,they'll say,"Well,it's been busy as far back as I can remember.”Or,“It's not because I was going bald or anything,but because I love hats.”Occasionally,the person you ask will use the opportunity to talk more, and before you know it,you'll have learned something of the essence of that person and,in some cases,heard things they haven't told anyone in years.
People don't usually go around telling strangers stuff,and that's why you have to ask them questions.When people start their answer,those first few exchanges reveal an ocean of information:where their grandparents’grandparents came from;whether they smoke and drink whisky;whether they prefer garlic or curry;and whether they are thankful that you asked or annoyed that you troubled them.If you are exhausted and can't bring up a question based on the person's idiosyncrasies ,you can simply ask him about whatever is popular at the moment.This will cause an immediate reaction,and from there,you can ask him about pretty much anything.
After asking someone a question,you will feel good about yourself while making
someone else feel good about himself,too.Typically,a question is returned with a question
until the conversation takes on the appearance of two actors on a small stage.This sort of
thing happens all the time.
Once,while walking down the steps of a subway station in Moscow,I passed a tiny man. Another tiny man approached him.They stopped and addressed each other.One of them extended his hand,and they began talking excitedly.I asked my friend what was going on. She said:“One man asked,‘Are you Tajik?'and the other man told him he was.As you can see,they are very happy and surprised to have found each other.Can you imagine what might have happened if they'd just ignored each other?"
If you don't ask questions,you'll never have any answers.As a human being,you have the ability to find out why that sad woman in the grey coat passes by your house at the same time every afternoon,or where your new neighbor comes from.One by one,you'll drop these answers like pennies or stones into your coat pocket,and the heavier the pocket gets,the more proud and self-assured and alive you'll feel.You'll feel as if you're an important participant in
the activity of living.
26.Why does the author begin the article with the examples?
A.To show how to start a conversation with a stranger.
B.To illustrate how to make friends with a stranger.
C.To introduce effective ways to protect privacy.
D.To share his own experiences with the reader.
27.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word "idiosyncrasies"in Paragraph 2?
A.Family backgrounds. B.Common wisdom.
C.Unusual features. D.Favorite topics.
28.What would have happened to the two tiny men if they had ignored each other? A.They would have felt regretful all their lives.
B.They would have felt bored at the subway station.
C.They would have lost the joy of meeting each other.
D.They would have missed the chance to exchange addresses.
29.What should you do if you have a new neighbor according to the author?
A.Invite him to dinner. B.Talk with him.
C.Keep an eye on him. D.Stay away from him.
30.What makes you feel more confident and proud according to the author?
A.Believing in your own ability.
B.Always asking yourself questions.
C.Collecting more pennies or stones.
D.Actively interacting with strangers.
II. 用国际音标标出下列单词中划线字母或字母组合的读音,并将答案写在答题卡(纸)
33.b eauty
46.cre ature
IV. 完形填空。将答案写在答题卡(纸)的相应位置。(本大题共20 小题,每小题0.5 分,共10分)
A. 从下列单词中选择适当的词填空,每个词只能用一次。
Writing in a foreign language at first may seem to be much like writing in your native language,but of course it isn't.The problem stems from more than a mere 51 between words.It is also a matter of the arrangement of words in a 52 .The words of one language don't fit together in the same way 53 the words of another language do. Perhaps even more importantly,ideas don't fit together in the same way 54 language to language.A Russian,an Egyptian,and a Japanese tend to arrange their ideas on the same subject in quite different ways.These differences exist 55 each culture has its own special way of thinking.And _ 56 a person thinks largely determines how that person writes.Thus,in order to write 57 in English,a foreign student should first understand how English speakers 58 arrange their ideas.This arrangement of ideas can be called a thought pattern.And,even though English thought patterns are not -59 to you,once you understand them you can more easily 60 them.By doing this,you will succeed in
writing more effective English.
B. 根据课文的内容在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。
The first person stood up and told a very funny joke about an Englishman who fell in love with his umbrella.When he finished,he was 61 tears of laughter,for he always laughed at his 62 jokes.The rest of the group remained dead 63 .You could tell from their faces and their eyes 64 they found the joke funny,but not one of them was going to laugh,and 65 him the chance to win the competition.The 66 told a story about a three-legged pig,which was 67 good that,some years later,a film company made a cartoon of it.When she sat down,the others buried their 68 in their handkerchiefs,coughed,pretended to sneeze,dropped pencils under the table-anything to cover up their _ 69 .And so it went on,joke . 70 joke,the sort of jokes that make your
sides ache.And nobody dared to laugh.
V. 根据所学课文内容完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡(纸)的相应位置。(本大题共10 小题,每小题2分,共20分)
71.In “Little Things Are Big,”the author decided that in the future he was going to offer his
help regardless of
72.Sidney Poitier,the author of “This Life,”was once ordered to get off the stage because
73.In“Love of Life,”the man left alone in the empty land was finally saved by
74.In“A Fiddle and the Law,”Special Agent X played the fiddle so as to ,which
helped to finally bring the killer to justice.
75.Lois Diaz-Talty,the author of “The Day I Was Fat,”was deeply hurt by the boy's abusive
words;but it was just these abusive words that made her decide to
76.In“Thank You,Ma'am,”Mrs.Jones seized the boy who had tried to snatch her purse and,
instead of turning him over to the police,she
77.Christy Brown,the author of "The Letter‘A,,"reached out and took a stick of
chalk out of his sister's hand.
78.In“The Mystery of the Silver Box,”Mr.Grayson invited a famous detective known as
The Thinking Machine to find out
79.The author of "The Trashman"describes in his diary his experiences while
80.In“The Great Idea of Mr.Budd,”the barber helped the police catch the murderer by
VI.汉译英。将下列句子译成英语,并将答案写在答题卡(纸)的相应位置。(本大题共 10 小题,每小题2分,共20分)
84. 就是在他的实验室里,我第一次见到那位教授,当时教授正在指导学生做实验。 85. 这座城市以悠久的历史和丰富的文化遗产而著称于世。

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